
The Faculty of Law organises a session for its students about who is who in the Spanish legal world

The event was presented by Ares García Cueto, head of Human Resources at Baker McKenzie

The Faculty of Law of UIC Barcelona organised the session “Who is who in the legal sector of Barcelona and Madrid” on 7 May in the Saló de Graus. The event was attended by Ares García Cueto, head of Human Resources at Baker McKenzie, who shared her knowledge of the Spanish legal sector and the main law firms in Barcelona and Madrid with third year law students.

The expert explained the current panorama of the working world to the students, the selection processes that are carried out and the differences between the different types of offices in Spain. “There are boutiques, specialised in a specific area of law, which stand out at the national level for their expertise; national firms of medium size and large national and international firms.” 

Juan José Guardia, vice-dean of the Faculty, was in charge of opening the event and introducing the speaker of Baker McKenzie. In his speech he stressed the importance these sessions focused on third year students, to “facilitate the transition to the world of work from the University and help students at a time they are making decisions”.

García Cueto also spoke about the importance of continuing training after graduating. “when you finish the bachelor’s degree in law there are many professional opportunities, but the three main options are: law firms, legal advice and opposition.” The lawyer recommended doing the Master’s Degree in Legal Practice and Legal Representation to specialise in any of the three areas.

In the same vein, Reyes Alcón, coordinator of Postgraduate Studies and Professional Practices of the Faculty, and Asis Casals, director of Promotion and Admissions of the University, presented the  masters and postgraduate degrees on offer at UIC Barcelona.