
The Family Policy Classroom at UIC Barcelona and the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation renew their cooperation agreement

This year an academic seminar was organised for executives and organisations that work in the area of dependent people and their families 

The Institute of Advanced Family Studies (IESF) in the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona) and the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation renewed the agreement they had held since 2013, which is the year when the Joaquim Molins Figueras Family Policy Classroom was set up. 

The aim of this initiative is to become a role model for the study and dissemination of social policies that are aimed at families.  The Joaquim Molins Figueras Classroom, directed by Dr Montserrat Gas, covered key issues during this time, such as the role of the family in the tutelage of minors, the right families have to housing, situations of dependency and family care, among others. 

This Classroom has become a role model in the field of family policies through the activities it has organised to raise awareness and provide training (expert days, training seminars for directors of organisations, companies and public administration) as well as the publication of an academic journal entitled “Quaderns de Polítiques Familiars.” Three editions of this journal have now been published.

With a presence in various observatories and committees which have an impact on policy design, the Classroom is working towards trying to draw a roadmap of the current situation families are experiencing in Catalonia. It also aims to raise awareness of the issues among the general population and organise potential action involving public administrations and other social agents. 

A report on the situation is currently being drawn up by the organisations which help families in Catalonia and the plan is to hold a training seminar for public administration executives from the Catalan healthcare system, social services, as well as NGOs and organisations that are involved in care for people in situations of dependency and their family members.  A conference on parenting and caring for minors will also be held and a report presented on the main organisation that provides support for families in Catalonia.

The Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation, set up in 2001, focuses its mission on the development of skills and abilities in families, in order to support family members in terms of their development throughout life.

The Institute of Advanced Family Studies (IESF) was set up in 2004 within UIC Barcelona and thus became the first institute at a university level in Spain that aims to promote the study and research of family policies.  The Institute carries out activities in the areas of research, teaching and disclosure, and receives support from the Family Policies Observatory in order to ensure that it is present in forums that contribute to decision-making in the area of family policies in a positive way.

The renovation of this Classroom agreement will consolidate cooperation between the two institutions.  The Rector of UIC Barcelona, Dr Xavier Gil, was present at the signing of the agreement, as well as Mr  Joaquim Molins Gil, patron of the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation  and Head of Projects, as well as the director of the Classroom, Dr  Montserrat Gas.