
Fernando García: “demonstrate ethics, independence, judgement, integrity and confidence”

On 27 May, the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences was held in the Aula Magna of UIC Barcelona. During his speech, patron Fernando García, the partner responsible for Markets and Private Equity at KPMG España, spoke about the qualities which, in his opinion, a good professional should possess. 

The patron spoke based on his personal experience, with a professional track record of 25 years with KPMG, a company where his involvement has been primarily in the sectors of private equity, infrastructures and consumer and industrial goods. Fernando García advised them to “demonstrate ethics, independence, judgement, integrity and confidence in yourselves and others. Show leadership, leave things a little better than you found them, take responsibility for your actions. Achieve the objectives you have set yourselves even though sometimes you might not like the way things have gone”. 

After the patron's address and the presentation of diplomas, students representing the Business and Administration Management (ADE) degree course, the ADE English Programme and the Master's degree course in Business Management and Production Systems gave speeches to the audience on their memories of the years spent at UIC Barcelona. 

For his part, Toni Mora, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, thanked the patron for his contribution and mentioned the recently signed collaboration agreement between KPMG and UIC Barcelona in respect of the new Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital and Private Equity. The Dean congratulated the new graduates and encouraged them in respect of the new chapter now beginning for them as professionals. 

The ceremony concluded with the traditional singing of “Gaudeamus Igitur”. The event was attended by family, friends and the academic staff of the Faculty.