
FERT pupils participate in a new Vocâris event

Last Friday, 5 April, a total of 90 pupils from Fert Batxillerat school participated in the Vocâris professional career advice event. The event was organised by UIC Barcelona in conjunction with the JovesLAB – Espai d’Innovació company. 

The session provided the pupils with tools and methodologies to respond to the following three questions: Do you know who you want to be? Do you know what you want to do?  Do you know where you aiming to be? 

An interactive workshop was held with a total duration of four hours n order to answer these questions, based on the Design Thinking methodology. The aim was to provide the foundations for participants to share their concerns, reformulate the questions and above all try to answer them. The event included five exercises: my starting point, my role models or otherwise, my frustrations versus joys, what I think (about general issues) and what I see happening in the next five years. The five exercises were worked on both at an individual level and a group level, first in small groups and then by opening up the discussion to the overall group.

According to Jordi Alba, strategic projects coordinator and organiser of the event “This first Vocâris session allowed pupils to undertake a brief personal reflection on their starting point and where they want to get to in the mid-term. They were able to find out at first hand about  the main elements of change and how to distribute their burden in an optimal manner without impacting their opportunities for success”.

This was the first session of a total of two. The following session will be held in October 2019 and will consist of moving from this reflection and initial planning to action.