
First monitoring committee of the Childcare and Family Policies Chair, under the auspices of the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation

A year after its foundation, the team behind the Childcare and Family Policies Chair met on 10 July with representatives from the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation -the main sponsor of this new chair at UIC Barcelona- to assess the work carried out over the past few months and plan strategies for the future.

The Chair’s activities are grouped around three main areas: relevant academic research, teaching and knowledge transfer. The purpose of these objectives is to ensure that the academic articles, reports and opinions and training events comprise a series of useful tools that help improve family policies relating to minors, in a context, like today’s, of profound family, educational and technological change.

The Chair is directed by Dr Montserrat Gas, director of the Institute for Advanced Family Studies, coordinated by researcher Marc Grau Grau and promoted, as regards knowledge transfer and its presence in the public domain, by Consuelo León, director of the Family Policies Observatory. It also includes a team of researchers and experts who publish articles in a host of academic journals and take part in international congresses, symposiums and forums.

Heir to the Joaquim Molins Figueras Sponsored Classroom, the Chair, supported by UIC Barcelona's Institute for Advanced Family Studies, has, in recent years, organised a number of seminars, symposiums, conferences and workshops that have brought together over 500 professionals from the areas of public administration and business, as well as the social, healthcare and education sectors. The Chair’s research addresses three fundamental issues: bullying in schools, maternity and paternity, in relation to the amount of time each parent dedicates to their children, and, in third place, the design of family policies.

The next scheduled activity, the 2nd Symposium on Child Negligence, will take place in November and is due to take over where the previous edition, held in UIC Barcelona on the same issue, left off. This event assembled some of the most acclaimed international experts in this field, with over 140 professionals from a host of different areas in attendance, including educators, psychologists, institutional heads, politicians and academics.