
The first quartile journal ‘Environmental Research’ publishes the findings from a study carried out by a team of researchers from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

The research, which analysed the Spanish attitude towards the smoking ban in cars, shows that 90% of adults are in favour of banning tobacco use in vehicles carrying children.

Though Spanish legislation prohibits smoking in public spaces, closed job sites, common areas and open spaces intended for use by children, it does not protect private spaces such as homes or the inside of vehicles.

According to the study carried out by a group of researchers from the University, “the results show that the Spanish population is aware of the harmful effects of tobacco on the health of passive smokers, particularly minors. As a result, close to 90% of Spanish adults are in favour of banning smoking in cars carrying children, and over 80% of Spaniards in some way or another voluntarily regulate tobacco use in their homes”.

As the study’s main findings corroborate the strong support for regulating tobacco use in cars carrying minors among Spain's adult population, the Spanish health authorities will need to broaden the regulations on smoking inside vehicles with a view to mitigating the harmful effects of smoking on the health of passive smokers, particularly among children.