
Five UIC Barcelona students win Fundación MAPFRE’s bugaMAP championship

Fundación MAPFRE’s bugaMAP is a business simulation game for learning about management in the insurance trade.

A team of five students from the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona) has won Fundación MAPFRE’s bugaMAP championship in a final held in Barcelona. Students Josep Colominas, Francisco Puga, Joan Gaudó, Jordi Raventós and Oriol Lucena had to make decisions related to underwriting, reinsurance, investments and expenditure to enable their company to generate greater value than those of the other three groups that reached the final.

Joaquim Miró, MAPFRE’s regional general manager for Catalonia, took part in the awards ceremony, along with Eduard Cristóbal Fransi, dean of the University of Lleida’s Faculty of Law, Economics and Tourism, and Enric Ordeix-Rigo, dean of EAE Business School.

Fundación MAPFRE’s business game, bugaMAP, is a simulation used to teach university students and postgraduates from numerous countries about management in the insurance trade. Players learn by making decisions and observing the simulated effects of their choices on their company’s market share, income and solvency.

In the championship’s qualifying stage, more than 170 students took part in nine bugaMAP seminars. They all passed tests related to the insurance simulator (bugaMAP No-Vida) and were assigned companies to manage with the aim of making them grow and stand out from the rest of the simulated market.

The University of the Balearic Islands, ESERP Business School, the University of Girona and FUB Manresa also participated in the championship.