
Former minister Michavila, patron of the Faculty of Law’s graduation ceremony

The event also featured the dean of the Faculty, Pilar Fernández, as well as the chief prosecutor of Catalonia, Francisco Bañeres, and the counsellor of State, Manuel J. Silva, among others.


On 18 May, the Aula Magna hosted the graduation ceremony for students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Law and the University Master's Degree in the Legal Profession (MU), both taught in the Faculty of Law at UIC Barcelona. The dean of the Faculty, Pilar Fernández, was charged with opening the ceremony, in which former minister of Justice José María Michavila acted as class patron. 

A minister in the government of José María Aznar from 2002 to 2004, Michavila made himself available to all class graduates celebrating the event alongside their families. 

The lawyer, with 23 years of experience, acknowledged the Faculty’s educational quality and, in his speech, made clear that “not all universities are good. This one is, and offers a high standard of excellence”, to which he added that, “being a university student means carrying what the university stands for in your heart and mind”.

Michavila gave an overview of his professional career, from his time unloading boxes of fish at the market in Legazpi or giving private lessons to achieving his goals as lawyer, councillor, minister, State solicitor and lecturer. “All of you still have the opportunity to become people who live life with appreciation and enjoy everything it throws at you, whether big or small. Routinely giving thanks is a guarantee of happiness”, he insisted.

Michavila wrapped up his talk by thanking everyone for the invitation. Yet before he finished, he made sure to tell the students that, “The time has come to drop anchor, set sail, walk or gallop through this new life of responsibilities you are now just beginning”. A new life for which he offered three pieces of advice: always remain a university student, live life enthusiastically and turn trust into your best friend.


The graduation ceremony also featured the chief prosecutor of Catalonia, Francisco Bañeres; the counsellor of State, Manuel J. Silva; the dean of the Registrars Association of Catalonia, María del Carmen Florán; and clerk of the Administrative Chamber of the Catalonia Superior Court of Justice, Francesc X. Fabregat. 

Other participants included the director-general of Modernisation of the Administration of Justice, Rosa Anna Castillo; president of the Riva y García Financial Group, Borja García; the vice-rector for the University Community, Belén Zárate; and the teaching body and staff who have accompanied the students throughout their time at the University. A touching ceremony that came to an end with the singing of the university hymn: Gaudeamus Igitur.