
Forty secondary and high school teachers are trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation at UIC Barcelona

UIC Barcelona nursing students trained some forty secondary and high school teachers from Catalonia in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The workshops, organised by lecturers Encarna Rodríguez and Mariona Guerrero, fell under the ‘teaching role’ practicum, a highly important professional skill aimed at preventative measures and the promotion of healthcare, which are not always implemented in the most effective way.

The workshop on cardiovascular resuscitation comprised both theoretical and practical sessions, during which the technique was administered to dummy torsos prepared for the occasion. The first aid workshop also addressed, in a theoretical and practical way, four scenarios that a teacher might be faced with in the classroom: anxiety attacks, seizures, bleeding and fainting.

Participants took a very active part in both workshops. Some of the schools represented by attendees were: Escola Joan Maragall, Institut el Castell,  Institut Pompeu Fabra de Badalona, Escola Ernest Lluch, Institut Guillem Catà, UEC Sant Cugat, IES Ausiàs March, INS Barres i Ones, IES Banús, Escola Lleó XIII, INS XXV Olimpíada, INS F.X. Lluch i Rafecas, IES Joan Coromines de Pineda de Mar, Escola Guixot, Institut la Ferreria de Montcada i Reixac, IES Serra i Fontanet, Colegio Pureza de María, Lycée Français de Gavá, Institut Agustí Serra, Institut Torre de Malla de Parets del Vallès, Col·legi Viaró, Col·legi Santa Maria dels Apòstols, Institut Castellet and Institut Narcís Monturiol.