
The founder of Catholic Voices attends the presentation of the new student group UIC-Up

Last Monday, the new student group UIC-Up “Armemos lío" was presented on the Barcelona Campus. The Group’s first session consisted of a workshop with Jack Valero, founder of Catholic Voices.

The new group is made up of students from the Barcelona Campus. While open to the entire university community, it is particularly aimed at students. As they themselves explain, “the group is inspired in the words spoken by Pope Francis at World Youth Day 2013, ‘¡Armen lío!’ [make yourselves heard], and is firmly committed to vitalising life at the university through Christian humanism".

The group’s objectives include: “Exploring the intellectual and spiritual side of people", "fostering a spirit of improvement among the university students" and "attending to the students’ concerns".

The new group has proposed a series of activities for the entire academic year, which may be viewed on the website. These include: volunteering opportunities, musical accompaniment for the Chaplaincy Service, talks, outings and conferences.

The first such event took place last Monday: a workshop with the founder of Catholic Voices, Jack Valero. Valero gave attendees the keys to explaining their faith to people with different ideas. The workshop was highly dynamic, and students were given the opportunity to express their concerns and discuss the best way to convey their convictions.

Catholic Voices is a project that began in the United Kingdom to improve the Church’s representation in the media, particularly in news programmes and debates. It was created in 2010 with a six-month training of lay people and a priest in preparation of the Pope’s UK visit.