
Four experts in Family Law participate in a colloquium with third year students

The Faculty organised a breakfast and a round table at which the profession’s idiosyncrasies and the most controversial issues related this branch of Law were tackled. 


On 23 November, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Pilar Fernández, participated in a round table with experts who tackled the topic of Family Law.  

Specifically, four lawyers who are specialists in this field attended the breakfast: Joaquim de Miquel Sagnier, a lawyer and representative of the Board of Governors at the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB); María Dolores Lozano, a lawyer and president of the Spanish Association of Family Lawyers (AEAFA); Maria Mercè Mira, a lawyer and president of the Catalan Society of Family Lawyers (SCAF); and Francesc Vega, a lawyer and former president of AEAFA and SCAF.

The experts invited to the family breakfast shared information about how they planned their education and professional experience with students, as and presented each of the institutions they represent. They also placed special emphasis on the need for continuing professional development and the importance of respecting ethical codes in the legal profession.  

The students and experts also held a debate on controversial and current issues such as shared custody, surrogacy or mediation. These are family law cases which specialised lawyers know well and were able to describe in detail to students. The Dean talked about the approval process for the Second White Paper on the Catalan Civil Code which was undertaken while she was Minister for Justice in the Catalan Government. 

The event ended with proposals being put forward such as potential modifications to legislation in the field of family homes and protection for the elderly.