
Four UIC Barcelona representatives participate in the annual CASE conference in Brussels

From 30 August to 2 September, more than 1.000 attendees from 30 countries and 360 institutions and organisations from the Alumni sector attended the annual conference organised by CASE in Brussels.  The attendees from UIC Barcelona were Marianna Zanuy, Mónica Dolcet and Anna Sánchez from the Alumni Service, and Dámaris Gonzalo from the International Promotion Office. 

Over 100 sessions took place throughout the conference, in which alumni relations, marketing, communication and fund-raising strategies were discussed.

The annual CASE conference consists of sessions based on the knowledge and experience of professionals who work in education and organisations connected to the university field.  All of this was discussed in relation to the area of alumni relations.  “Networking was promoted a great deal -said Mónica Dolcet- and it was interesting to find out about new ways of working that have been implemented by other universities and to exchange experiences, ideas, skills and discuss new perspectives”.