
Fourth-year Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing students organise another edition of the Interdisciplinary Approach to the Elderly Seminar

This initiative, now in its fourth year, is coordinated by Dr Marian de Juan, a lecturer in the Department of Nursing. As part of this innovative project, students in their final year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing are charged with organising every aspect of a scientific meeting for health professionals and undergraduate students. 

The event’s opening address was given by Dr Cristina Monforte, director of the Department of Nursing. Next came the round table discussion “Ulcers: A Major Therapeutic Challenge”, which included Dr Mireia Llauradó, a lecturer at UIC Barcelona; José Agudo, a nurse at La Mina Primary Healthcare Centre and university lecturer; and Loli Hinojosa, nurse and coordinator of the Complex Wound Unit at Hospital de Terrassa.

During the second part of the event, several papers were presented by students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. All were assessed by four of the Department’s lecturers, who gave the award for best paper to Eira Bejarano, Judith Bertolín and Ana María García for their work “Vivir con una úlcera venosa crónica” [Living with a chronic venous ulcer].

During the event, attendees also had the opportunity to take part in two workshops in the Comprehensive Centre for Advanced Simulation: “Doppler assessment and bandaging in venous ulcers”, led by Dr Carme Rosell, head of studies at the Tecnocampus Higher School of Health Sciences, and “Managing wounds with the VAC system”, by María José Pujalte, a nurse specialising in skin lesions and ostomies at the Pere Virgili Healthcare Park.

The 4th Interdisciplinary Approach to the Elderly Seminar finished with a talk by María Antonia Insensé, director of Nursing at Hospital Universitari General de Catalunya; a few words from Alex Cruz, a 4th-year Nursing student and president of the organising committee; and the reading of the conclusions of the seminar by Eira Bejarano, president of the scientific committee.