
Francesco Ignazio Corazza, alumni: “At Amazon I programmed an Alexa skill from zero”

This alumni of the Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production System at UIC Barcelona explains how his specialisation opened doors at one of the giants of technology: Amazon. He tell us how at this multinational he has had the opportunity to have a leading role in the digital change

Francesco Ignazio Corazza loves surfing and backpacking to explore new cultures, but he also loves a less earthly world: the cloud. This led him to decide to study the Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production System at UIC Barcelona, which opened doors for him at Amazon where he completed an internship, a dream for many. In this interview he explains his experience at one of the technology giants that has revolutionised our way of buying and living. 

How did you manage to get your foot in the door at Amazon?
Through their website I looked for internships that matched my preferences. Then I sent my application and they called me. Once in Madrid, I had to present a case study and the managers interviewed me.

You managed to get a unique opportunity in one of the most cutting-edge companies of today...
Yes, this experience gave me the opportunity to learn about the cloud. For example, at Amazon I had the opportunity to programme an Alexa skill from zero.

And on a personal level, what has the experience at Amazon given you?
For me it has been a revolution because I learned the importance of working as a team and how every single colleague is essential if you want to attain a common goal. Understanding and helping others is the key to success in companies like Amazon.

How would you describe your experience in the Amazon cloud world?
It was a 360-degree experience. It provided me with both professional and personal training that will definitely help me in my career.

What did you like the most? 
It is certainly not easy to have a leading role in a change, especially as an intern. But at Amazon I had the opportunity to have a leading role in the digital change working with the cloud at the same level as others, even though I was just an intern.

What will be your best memory of this internship? 
The Amazon culture. The innovative spirit is reflected in each and every employee and so they put you to work on projects that are going to have a real impact on the team. Values are the foundation used by Amazon with people. Everyone is available to help you to improve as an employee, and above all, as a person.

Before becoming part of the Amazon family, you studied the Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production System at UIC Barcelona, how did you apply everything you learned during your time at the company? 
Studying processes and information technology systems was an advantage I made use of in Amazon. By acting with logic you understand how to do things and how to improve what already exists using structured methodologies.

If you had to choose, which subjects have been most useful to you?
I think every subject has contributed to my experience at Amazon. The studies focusing more on interpersonal skills were also a great help. In the end you work with people and understanding how to get the most out of every colleague is as important as structuring a process.

Your experience has been an example for students in the faculty to whom you gave a lecture...
My goal was to explain that it is not impossible to work for companies like Amazon. Even if people say you are not prepared to work for them, you should never give up. It is important to study more, understand what is missing to reach this goal and get the most out of everything, including failure. Because failing is the best way to learn and improve.

If the students only took away one idea, what would you want to say to them?
Never give up! Life is a series of examinations and when you fail you also take away something positive: you learn from your mistakes.

And finally, what do you think a profile like yours brings to society?
I want to help people meet their goals. If they are connected to the cloud, I want to be as useful as possible. And if the goals are more related to personal development, I also want to help and inspire with anything I can.