
Fuertes, Graell, Fuentes and Balaguer, authors of an article on sustainability and higher education

The publication was included in the second quarterly issue of Sustainability magazine

Lecturers Maite Fuertes, Mariona Graell, Mariana Fuentes and Carme Balaguer published the article “Integrating Sustainability into Higher Education Curricula through the Project Method, a Global Learning Strategy". The four Doctors from the Faculty of Education have published their research on sustainability and higher education in the second quarterly issue of Sustainability magazine. 

The scientific article offers tools for evaluation and evidence of how well project-based work functions as a methodology for global and coordinated learning between a number of different topics in order to promote sustainability skills and sustainability education skills. As the researchers explain, training for the teachers who will educate future generations is a key factor in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by UNESCO.

The study shows that there is a compatibility between sustainability skills and sustainability education skills. “Curricular sustainability in Higher Education involves not only including content related to sustainability in initial teacher training, but also changing the paradigm of educational processes”, the article states.