
Harvard University presents a case study based on the professional career of Dr Xavier Corbella

Harvard University invited Dr Xavier Corbella, vice-dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, to lecture in the course entitled Charting the Future of Primary Care: Change, Payment and Population Management. 

The course is part of the Executive Programme at the Harvard Medical School’s Centre for Primary Care, where it is taught. Among other issues, course attendees had the opportunity to study four case studies on Change Management, written on the basis of real cases from around the world.

One of the cases, entitled “Top to Bottom: Identifying Places to Change in Catalonia, Spain”, revolved around the professional career of Dr Xavier Corbella and his ample experience in the field of health management. Starting with his current position as vice-dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at UIC Barcelona, which he has held since 2013, the study also analysed his previous career stages as medical director of the Althaia Foundation Hospitals in Manresa (2005-2007) and managing director of the Bellvitge University Hospital (2007-12) and Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (2012-2013).