
The Hestia Chair in Comprehensive Social and Health Care opens up a call for Hestia Research Grants

The Hestia Chair in Comprehensive Social and Health Care has opened a call for 12 grants of a year’s duration, starting in January 2018. The aim behind these grants is to promote research on the best strategies and the best work placements in the field of healthcare that involve caring for people with complex chronic illnesses. 

The call sets out three different types of participation.  Two grants have been established for Hestia Alliance professionals of 6.000 euros each, a further eight grants for Hestia Alliance professionals of 2.500 euros each, and two more grants for professionals from the social or healthcare field from any institution in Spain, also 2.500 euros.

The Hestia Research Grants are aimed at professionals who are either individuals or members of a multidisciplinary team, who would like to undertake a research project focusing on any aspect of the provision of services and care for patients within the healthcare field. The deadline to apply for this call is 20 October this year.

Terms and conditions