
How can I find out what I should study?

Over the weekend of 9 and 10 March, 4th year ESO (Spanish Compulsory Education) and Bachillerato pupils (Spanish upper-secondary education) and their parents participated in the first edition of the Vocāris Event organised by UIC Barcelona.

The purpose of this event, led by university professors and lecturers, was to provide pupils with resources to help them choose their future professional careers. An organisation called the Bertelsmann Foundation participated in this event, since it specialises in career guidance and employment for young people. 

Friday was particularly aimed at secondary school pupils. The afternoon began with a workshop called "MyWayPass”, an academic and professional guidance platform that was specially created for digital natives. Pupils were able to reflect on their vocations, interests and aspirations, and find out about the different academic and professional pathways they can choose. Subsequently there was a coaching workshop during which Mireia Cabrero, a psychologist, psychotherapist and coach helped participants get to know themselves and discover their own talent. 

On Saturday the event was divided into sessions aimed at either parents or their children.  Parents are important role models in terms of career guidance, and for that reason two sessions were held that were exclusively aimed at them. The first was aimed at helping them to guide their children professionally, while also respecting their personal identity.  The second session was about the Catalan university system, how it works, and the UIC Barcelona model, and was given by the rector of the university, Dr Xavier Gil. 

During the three-hour morning session, six round tables divided into different areas of study were also held.  Pupils were able to choose to attend three of them. Around thirty professors and lecturers from different universities as well as professionals answered questions individual pupils asked about each of the degree programmes.