
Humanities, Law and Communication lecturers analyse the roots and scope of European identity

These analyses were published in various articles in a first quartile journal 

A total of six lecturers from the Faculty of Humanities, Law and Communication at UIC Barcelona analysed European identity in various articles published in a special edition of the Deusto Journal of European Studies. In different parts of the journal, the lecturers observed the roots and the scope of European identity in the various chapters. Specifically, two Humanities lecturers participated in the study, as well as one from Communication and three from Law.  

Albert Moya and Bernat Torres, lecturers from the Faculty of Humanities, wrote an article in the first part of the journal, entitled ‘Raíces de la identidad europea’.  Moya published an essay entitled “Hegel y la idea de Europa”, while Torres, along with another researcher, published “Repensando el cosmopolitismo: Identidades políticas e identidades metapolíticas”.  

Eduard Martí, a lecturer from the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Communication Sciences, published an article entitled “El derecho a ‘no obedecer los mandatos de los príncipes’. Los valores republicanos en la Europa Moderna (s. VI-XVII)”.

Three lecturers from the Faculty of Law published various articles in two chapters in the section entitled ‘Alcance de la identidad europea‘.  Carmen María Lázaro published an article entitled “El concepto de persona como elemento clave de la identidad europea: el caso de la maternidad subrogada”. María Chochorelou published an article entitled “El fundamento de la identidad europea en los tratados de libre comercio de la UE: ¿Objetivos económicos más que culturales?”. Finally, Maria Mut wrote an article on “Los valores y principios británicos como parte de la identidad europea a través del Consejo de Europa”. 

The Deusto Journal of European Studies is a university journal that specialises in studying the European Union. The aim behind the journal is to disseminate an analysis of and knowledge about the process of European construction at various different levels: historical, social, and cultural, etc.