
The II Edition of the Albert Jovell Awards Forum recognises 19 innovative projects that consolidate an “affective-effective” model for patients

For the second consecutive year, Janssen, in conjunction with Cátedras en Red, held an award giving ceremony for the II Edition of the Albert Jovell Awards Forum, an initiative aimed at improving the healthcare results for patients in Spain, where more than 400 healthcare professionals came together in the Aula Magna at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona). 

The objective behind the Albert Jovell Awards Forum, is to provide public recognition for the projects that stand out the most in terms of improving healthcare results for patients and for those which have been able to transmit the values of affection, effectiveness, innovation, commitment and humanity the best.

Those taking part in the event included Rafael Bengoa, Director of the Healthcare Department at Deusto Business School, in the University of Deusto; Dr María Dolores Navarro, Director of the Innovative Classroom in Healthcare Policy at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya; Xavier Gil Mur, Rector of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, and Ramón Frexes, Institutional Relations Director at Janssen.

According to Dolores Navarro, Director of the Albert J. Jovell Institute for Public Health and Patients, “we must continue to work so that patients can remain at the heart of the healthcare system and we can achieve this via lines of strategic action and small details that can help to improve the daily life of people suffering from an illness”.

On the other hand, Rafael Bengoa, Director of the Department of Health in the University of Deusto, underlined the importance of the affective-effective model for patients “based on the humanist thought of the innovative Dr Jovell, which aimed to draw new lines for action to improve healthcare results and perfect a healthcare system that is becoming increasingly human and efficient”.

Also, Ramón Frexes underlined the fact that “The Albert Jovell Awards Forum is committed to patients and will continue to work towards excellence and innovation, with the aim of ensuring that the patient remains at the heart of the healthcare system”.  In that sense, Frexes reminded attendees that “it is important to raise awareness and recognise the work of many professionals and institutions from the healthcare sector and continue to disseminate the enormous legacy of Dr Albert Jovell in relation to the health and dignity of patients”.

Professor Montserrat Virumbrales wins a Jovell Prize

The II edition of the awards received 264 project applications, 17% more than in the first edition.  The jury, consisting of 34 dignitaries and representatives from all health-related fields evaluated the candidate projects based on the evaluation criteria set out in the terms and conditions for the awards.  A total of seven awards were given out, in different categories, including first, second and runner up prizes.

Montserrat Virumbrales, holder of a PhD in Human Ageing and a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, received an award for the best personal health-related career trajectory.