
International mobility among UIC Barcelona students up 24%

During the 2018-2019 academic year, 175 students took part in one of the academic or traineeship mobility programmes

With each academic year, the number of students who apply to study or take part in a traineeship abroad is growing, thanks to the almost 300 partners that UIC Barcelona has around the world. During the 2018-2019 academic year, the total number of participants rose by 24%. 

This year, the most popular type of mobility was once again the Erasmus programme, despite the marked rise in bilateral agreement destinations such as the United States and South Korea. Attention should also be drawn to participation in international double degree programmes, some firmly established, such as the Business Administration and Management programme with the Polytechnic University of Turin, with 24 participants, and others in the process of expansion, such as the Summer Sessions at the University of California, Berkeley, with 8 participants. 

This increase also responds to the targets laid out by UIC Barcelona in aspect 3 of the 2015-2022 Strategic Plan, which calls for increased internationalisation and the promotion of participation in mobility programmes. According to Isabel Pera, director of International Relations at the University, “international experience is always a plus for companies, because it helps improve people’s self-assuredness and cross-disciplinary skills, such as initiative, curiosity, networking and tolerance, among many others. It is therefore one of our students’ fundamental assets, and one of the reasons for their high level of employment”.