
James Arthur: “The best tool you have to teach with is your character”

The Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona yesterday hosted the conference #morethanteachers. The conference was given to university teaching staff and aimed to make them reflect on the mission of the university, the professional profiles required by society and the curriculum required to make it possible.

In his inaugural speech, the rector, Xavier Gil, encouraged the attendees and gave some information on the successful running of the University: “Now is a good time for UIC Barcelona, a time of growth”, he stated. As for the role of teaching staff, he highlighted the importance of dedicating time to students, “educating is about lighting fires, not filling up empty bottles”, he pointed out. As a final point, he brainstormed with the audience about some issues which could improve the overall university experience of students, such as encouraging engagement and dialogue. 

During the first round table discussion, moderated by the dean of the Faculty of Education, Esther Jiménez, issues such as ethics education and new trends in higher education were talked about. Concerning the first issue, Dr Rita Jácome from the Universitat de València, shared a success story accomplished by the Faculty of Economics at her university, driven by the Chair in Business Ethics. Dr Concepción Naval, dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Navarra, talked about the second issue – trends in higher education – and reflected on some topics such as reputation or core objectives in the university’s vision. 

It was then the turn of James Arthur, professor at the University of Birmingham and director of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues. Arthur discussed all-round education at university level. The professor especially highlighted the importance of forming one’s own character. Addressing the teaching staff in the room, he stated that “the best tool you have to teach with is your character”. 

The event came to a close with a video showing students from different degree programmes giving their opinion on what a good teacher should be like and their experience at UIC Barcelona.