
Jasmina Berbegal participates in a workshop on innovation in Paris

Experts in innovation and entrepreneurship participated in this international event

On 6 and 7 December, Jasmina Berbegal, a lecturer from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, participated in the “Workshop on Innovation, entrepreneurship and Organisational Behaviour” which was held in Paris.  The event was organised by the PRISM research group  at Pantheon Sorbonne - Paris 1 University. 

The aim of this workshop was to hold a debate on coordinated action strategies to respond to the need for innovation in companies within a global competitive environment. Some of the issues that were discussed included regional systems of innovation, managing innovation and knowledge inside and outside companies. 

This event brought together university professors and experts in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship from different countries and continents such as France, Germany, Japan, Denmark and Canada, etc.  Berbegal was the only Spanish representative at the conference. 

The PRISM research group is housed within Pantheon-Sorbonne Paris 1 University and its main objective is to continue to encourage and develop a culture of research and scientific excellence, as well as supporting, organising and promoting scientific production among all its associated members.  

El grup de recerca PRISM forma part de la Universitat de París I Panteó-Sorbona i el seu principal objectiu és perpetuar i desenvolupar una cultura de recerca i excel·lència científica, a més de donar suport, estructurar i promoure la producció científica de tots els seus membres associats.