
Jordi Castells, from Moventis, gives a talk to 4th year ADE students

The director of Operations at Moventis gave a talk based on case methodology to 4th year ADE students, as part of the Strategic Management subject.

The case involved the mobility sector and industry analysis. This sector has changed at an accelerated rate in recent years through the liberalisation of the market, the appearance of technological mobility startups, the increase in collaborative economy platforms, and in the next few years the advent of autonomous vehicles is planned. 

“These changes- said Castells - are both a threat and an opportunity for traditional operators who transport travellers via the roads”: Therefore, through the use of case methodology, he explained to students how to ensure that it can become an opportunity. 

From the point of view of a traditional private operator of regular transport via the roads, he talked about the strategic approach that should be taken to survive this mobility revolution.