
Josep Lluis i Ginovart delivers a lecture at the Reus Higher Technical School of Architecture

Last Friday 11 November, Dr Josep Lluis i Ginovart delivered a lecture entitled "Un repàs per dotze obres de restauració" [A Review of Twelve Restoration Projects]. The presentation was given as part of the Seminar on Architecture and Memory: Analysis and Debate, organised at the Reus Higher Technical School of Architecture (URV).

The aim of the seminar was, on the one hand, to analyse criteria and models regarding architectural interventions on archaeological remains and, on the other, engage in an in-depth discussion about professional practice, particularly among seminar attendees. This event is one of the activities organised as part of the 2016 Architecture Congress, which will be held until late November in Barcelona.

Architect Josep Lluis i Ginovart (PhD) is the director of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, a researcher and director of the Architectural Heritage Research Group (PATRIARQ) at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.