
Josep Lluis i Ginovart takes part in the symposium "1616: Ordinations, Pragmatic Sanctions and Royal Edicts of Val d'Aran: Juan Francisco de Gracia"

On 5 November, Professor Josep Lluis i Ginovart (PhD), director of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, together with architect and researcher Mónica López Piquer, presented the paper "Revisió de la teoria de fàbrica a les esglésies romàniques de la Vall d'Aran" [Review of Masonry Theory at Romanesque Churches in Val d'Aran].

In their article titled “Mecànica de fàbrica al romànic aranés” [Masonry Mechanics in Aranese Romanesque Architecture], Professor Josep Lluis i Ginovart (PhD) and Mónica López Piquer, also members of the PatriARQ Architectural Heritage Research Group, undertake a comprehensive review of masonry theory in Val d'Aran. They propose systematising deformation mechanisms by analysing the stability of non-funicular sections of vaults and examples of major pillar displacement in Romanesque churches in Val d'Aran.

The lecture was part of the symposium "1616: Ordinations, Pragmatic Sanctions and Royal Edicts of Val d'Aran: Juan Francisco de Gracia", which took place from 4-6 November 2016. The conference was held to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the drafting of this document, which has been updated and compiled by the Government of Val d'Aran.

The event began on 4 November with an opening lecture by Patrici Pojada from the University of Perpignan. The Val d'Aran Ethnological Museum Foundation presented a reproduction and reprint of the original publication of Ordinations from 1618. The event took place in Vielha, at the seat of the Conselh Generau d’Aran. On 5 and 6 November, the activity continued in Salardú's Albergue Era Garona and at the churches in Escunhau, Garòs and Unha, whose clocks the participants had the opportunity to visit and discuss.