
Journalist Ismael Nafría talks about the The News York Times’ mission in the latest edition of “Desayunos Cátedra”

On 25 February, Ismael Nafría, a freelance journalist, inaugurated the fourth edition of “Desayunos Cátedra”, an initiative of the Chair for Management by Missions and Corporate Government at UIC Barcelona.

The session focused on “How The New York Times defines and develops its strategy based on its mission”. The speaker explained that the mission and values have always been an integral part of the newspaper, which has been printed in the United States and abroad since 1851.

According to Ismael Nafría, the essence of The New York Times is to help “people understand the world through in-depth, bold and unbiased journalism”. The journalist singled out excellence as one of the newspaper’s strong points, patent in the rigorous nature and quality of its publications.

The writer went on to say that the objective of The New York Times is to offer truth-based journalism, putting the reader at the centre of its strategy. “A commitment to quality often means rejecting large amounts of information, and The New York Times is committed to ensuring that everything it publishes is worth reading”, concluded the journalist.

Ismael Nafría boasts extensive experience in a host of different media. He is also a writer, consultant and orator specialised in digital media. In recent years, he has worked with the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas, Austin. He is the author of several books, the most recent being “La reinvención de The New York Times” [The Reinvention of The New York Times]. He also edits the digital media newsletter “Tendenci@s”.

The aim of “Desayunos Cátedra” is to establish a meeting point between the academic and business worlds and generate debate on issues related to business humanism.