
The journey of the model for Final Degree Projects (TFG) 2015 in order to debate territorial proposals for the Southern Caldes Stream

On 7 July 2016, the El Vapor Civic Centre in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda once again exhibited the model of the 2015 Final Degree Projects by students of UIC Barcelona's School of Architecture. This exhibition forms part of a series of debates on the Urban Master Plan (PDU) for the Southern Axis of the Caldes Stream being developed by the Catalan Government for the reorganisation and development of the Mogoda area. Over the course of the year, the model has previously been on display in the Salon Oval of the National Museum of Catalan Art (MNAC), at the Palace of the Catalan Government, in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda and in La Marineta Civic Centre in Mollet del Vallès.

The model was produced by students of the school for the exhibition of their Final Degree Projects (TFG) 2015 entitled “Cutting-edge Landscapes”, comprising around 30 pieces of work. It was designed to provoke reflection on the area of the Southern Caldes Stream, an area of the city with expanses of peri-urban spaces that are empty, residual and largely inaccessible. The proposal addresses three important topics: firstly, the vertebration and reassessment of empty peri-urban spaces fragmented by the powerful footprint of the road and rail infrastructures in the area; secondly, the environmental and social recuperation of the lower part of the Caldes Stream as a river park; and lastly, a reassessment of the city limits of South Mollet.

This exhibit is yet another example of the school fulfilling its obligations under the terms of the agreement signed with the General Directorate of Urban Development, a branch of the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Government of Catalonia, by which the educational institution undertakes to contribute to the regeneration of strategic areas of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.