
The Jovell Institute organises Coffee-Colloquiums for the third consecutive year

The Albert J. Jovell Institute for Public Health and Patients at UIC Barcelona recently started up its Coffee-Colloquiums on public health for the third consecutive year.  On this occasion the colloquium was on whether it is ethical or not to refuse healthcare for people who are obese or who smoke.  These patients, who tend to have unhealthy habits, have recently been pinpointed in the new regulations for the National Health Service, the healthcare system in the United Kingdom. They are being asked to change their habits otherwise they may be refused care. 

The colloquium, presented by Dr M. Dolores Navarro, Director of the Jovell Institute and Dr Alicia Borrás, who is in charge of the Coffee-Colloquiums, was also attended by professors and non-teaching staff.  During the hour-long event participants made various contributions and reflections that lead to one clear conclusion: healthcare policies must be made that do not penalise specific individuals.