
Juan Ramon Revilla participates in the VII Conference on Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy organised by the CFC (Catalan Society of Physiotherapists)

Juan Ramon Revilla, a Professor from the Postgraduate Degree in "Mézières Method" Global Myofascial Physiotherapy, took part in the VII Conference on Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy organised by the CFC (Catalan Society of Physiotherapists): This year the conference focused on five techniques known as the five Ms:  Mézières, McConnell, Maitland, McKenzie and Mulligan.

Revilla took charge of raising awareness of the Mézières method, both in the morning and the afternoon session.  In the morning session, he gave a presentation to more than 500 professionals a talk called “The Stomatognathic System and Oro-Facial Region: Relationship between Neuromusculoskeletal Vertebral Disorders.  Tackling it based on the Mézières Concept of Global Physiotherapy”.  In the afternoon he gave a masterclass entitled  "Relación cráneo-mandibular y columna vertebral: alteraciones de movimiento y control motor, influencia en postura global.” [The Cranio-Mandibular Relationship and the Spine: Alterations to Movement and Motor Control, Impact on Overall Posture].


The Conference on Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy is a consolidated annual event in the Catalan Society of Physiotherapists’ annual programme.  This year’s edition, held on 3 June, took place at the Barcelona International Conventions Centre (CCIB).