
Lecturer Graell coordinates the publication of a book about service learning

She also authored one of the chapters from the book ‘A feminine approach to moral education’.

Mariona Graell, a lecturer in the Faculty of Education, along with Josep Palos, coordinated the publication of an e-book entitled “Canvi generat pels projectes d’ApS en els centres d’educació primària i secundària” [Change generated by Service Learning projects in primary and secondary schools]. 

The book was published in February by the University of Barcelona’s Institute for Education Sciences and presents the preliminary results of a study on the impact of Service Learning in pre-primary, primary and secondary schools. It also analyses the effects that the ongoing application of Service Learning has had on educational organisations, and the conditions required to consolidate this activity. 

The overall aim of the publication is, on the one hand, to learn from the experiences of other schools and reflect on and raise new questions about educational practices and, on the other, analyse the various elements at play in Service Learning projects and means of consolidation.


This is not lecturer Graell’s first collaboration. The lecturer also contributed to the recent publication Una mirada femenina de la educación moral [A feminine approach to moral education], by authors María Rosa Buxarrais and Isabel Vilafranca, with a chapter that talks about Amy Gutmann’s democratic theory of education. 

In particular, the aim of the latter is to demonstrate that discourse on moral education should include a series of undervalued arguments, as well as pay tribute to all the authors who, through their own particular discourse, have made contributions to this field of study.