
Lecturer Jelena Prokopljevic takes part as a jury member in the festival “A Cel Obert” in Tortosa

The aim of the festival is to promote the city’s architectural heritage through ephemeral art

Jelena Prokopljevic, a lecturer in History and Composition at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, took part as a jury member in the festival “A Cel Obert”, which took place in Tortosa from 5-7 October. 

The idea behind the event, which this year celebrated its fifth edition, is to turn Tortosa into an epicentre of creation, promote the city’s architectural heritage and bring ephemeral art to the public at large. To do so, various teams of artists, architects and designers worked to create ephemeral installations which sought to establish a dialogue between traditional architecture and contemporary art. 

“The festival adds to Tortosa’s selection of cultural and tourism activities, opening the doors of its courtyards to the general public. Many of these spaces, all of which are steeped in history, are closed to public for the rest of the year. In this sense, the festival is a great chance to discover this heritage, which is full of art”, asserts Prokopljevic. 

The latest edition hinged on the subject of movement, and the winning project was “Els ulls al vent”, by Sergi Roca and Núria Hernández. The jury based its decision on the originality and quality of the installations, and the innovative way in which they interact with the architectural environment. 

Since 2015, “A Cel Obert” has been an integral part of the Xarxa Transversal, in turn part of Transefímers, which also includes festivals such as “Mau”, in Granollers; “FesCamp”, in Sant Cugat; and “Lluèrnia”, in Olot; festivals committed to using ephemeral art as their cornerstone.