
Lecturer Rebeca Pardo takes part in a series of lectures organised by the “la Caixa” Foundation

She gave her first talk on the visual narratives of disease at the CaixaForum in Lleida, and then again at the event held in Madrid

The lecturer from the Faculty of Communication Sciences Rebeca Pardo spoke at the series of lectures on thought, ‘Representaciones del humano’ (Human depictions) organised by the “la Caixa” Foundation, with a view to looking back over the history of humanity through images created by humans themselves.

Pardo explored the visual narratives depicting disease, recorded since the first signs of civilisation to today’s battle against COVID-19 and the eruption of social media, in a talk she gave first at the CaixaForum in Lleida and then at the same event held in Madrid. The lecturer analysed the paradigm shift depicted in the photographic representation of disease, which has gone from immortalising death to moving away from one’s own suffering to showing only the suffering of others. The event also looked at the transformation this model underwent following the invention of digital photography and social media.