
Lecturer Silvia Albareda discusses education for sustainability at the 2017 Castelldaura Conference

The Faculty of Education lecturer and director of the Sustainability Office at UIC Barcelona took part in the closing session of the 52nd Castelldaura Conference on Pastoral Issues. This year, the conference revolved around the Laudato si' and was entitled 'Ecological Conversion, a Requirement of the Faith'.

Silvia Albareda took part in the conference's final round table discussion, in which several different case studies were presented. Albareda, a lecturer in the Faculty of Education, spoke about her experience as director of our university's Sustainability Office. She began by saying that, "it is very important that each of us is certain about the question of ecological conversion", and it is therefore necessary that "we educate ourselves, read and re-read the Laudato Si'".

Other round table participants included the current Attorney General of the Cistercian Order, Lucas Torcal, who pointed out that, "there is still much to be done", and explained that what we need is not great knowledge, but to pinpoint areas for improvement and take the plunge. And that is exactly what he is doing at the Poblet monastery, a pioneer in ecological conversion. As a practical suggestion, he mentioned creating a parochial association to jointly negotiate clean energy. The talk was moderated by journalist Jordi Llisterri from catalunyareligió.cat.

On the first day of the Castelldaura Conference, Cardinal and Archbishop Emeritus Lluís Martínez Sistach stressed that ecology is a "highly topical" issue, because it is "a question of life and death, perhaps not so much for us, but for the proper conservation of nature and the generations to follow". He concluded that the path to all solutions must involve "personal conversion".

The Castelldaura Conference on Pastoral Issues has been held since 1965. The aim of the event is to update theological and pastoral information and act as a forum for debate on current phenomena, events and realities that are the subject of everyday public discussion and to which the Church has something to contribute. Since the beginning, close to four thousand people and hundreds of civil and ecclesiastical figures have taken part in this theological and pastoral refresher activity promoted by the Rosselló Centre in Barcelona.