
Lecturers from various different faculties attend a seminar on researchers’ online brands

Rafael Repiso, a tenured professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), was invited by the Faculty of Communication Sciences to deliver a seminar entitled “La marca del Investigador en Internet: De Academia.edu al posicionamiento como Agregado o Titular” [Researchers’ Online Brands: From Academia.edu to Positioning as a Tenure-Track or Tenured Lecturer].

Attendees included over thirty lecturers from a host of fields ranging from Communication and Law to Business Administration and Management, Education and Health Sciences. The aim of the UNIR lecturer was “to introduce strategies for disseminating scientific research among the general public.”

With this objective in mind, Repiso, among others things, placed particular emphasis on creating a personal network of researchers and designing a personal platform for transferring knowledge, ideas which captured the interest of the attendees, many of whom are already actively involved in platforms such as Research Gate, ORCID, Academia and Google Academic.