
Lunet joins together with UIC Barcelona to offer a grants fund for Syrian refugee students

Through the Lunet Solidario project, this company supports projects in organisations it shares values with, such as solidarity, equality and respect. 

Lunet, an integral services company for cleaning maintenance, has signed a cooperation agreement with the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona) via which it will contribute towards the grants fund. It will specifically do so for one of its programmes, one that provides aid to Syrian refugee students.

Lunet’s mission is to be an organisation that is committed to people. Through Lunet Solidario, it supports projects that work in cooperation with organisations it shares values with, such as solidarity, equality and respect. These are projects that are linked to the development of depressed areas, or towards improved education or living conditions for marginalised groups.

The grants fund at UIC Barcelona allows various applications and programmes to be addressed. Among other projects, aid can be awarded to Syrian refugee students who come along to apply for admission to UIC Barcelona. Also, through cooperation with companies and institutions such as Lunet this grants fund has been extended; cooperation with Lunet means a contribution of 9.000 euros per year to the grants fund.

The following people attended the official signing of the agreement: Xavier Gil, rector of UIC Barcelona; Miguel Ángel Cazcarra, secretary of the Board of Trustees; Juan Miguel Carmona, general director of Lunet, and Sara di Lullo, from the Corporate Development Management office at UIC Barcelona.