
Lunet renews its commitment to UIC Barcelona by supporting the financial aid programme

Once again, the Maria Pou Foundation, promoted by the company Lunet Facility Services, has presented a grant so that students at risk of social exclusion can study any bachelor's degree programme at UIC Barcelona.  With this gesture, Lunet Facility Services renews its framework collaboration agreement, signed in 2017. 

Lunet Facility Services, an integral services company based on facilities maintenance, has reaffirmed its commitment to UIC Barcelona by making a donation to support the financial aid programme for students at risk of social exclusion at the University. 

The grant donated by the Maria Pou Foundation, which is promoted by Lunet Facility Services, offers students at risk of social exclusion the opportunity to study any bachelor's degree programme at UIC Barcelona. 

With this gesture, Lunet Facility Services has renewed its collaboration agreement signed in 2017 and joins UIC Barcelona's annual No Talent Without a Future campaign to support talented students in financial need. 

The donation was hand-delivered by Juan Miguel Carmona, President of Fundació Maria Pou, to Alfonso Méndiz, rector of UIC Barcelona, on the University’s Barcelona Campus. 
During the presentation of the donation, Mr Carmona expressed his willingness to continue supporting the project, helping to generate equal opportunities among students. “The Maria Pou Foundation only has meaning when it has a project to collaborate with,” said Juan Miguel Carmona.  Since the beginning, the objective of Lunet has always been to be an organisation committed to people, a fact that is corroborated by one of its solidarity initiatives, "Lunet Solidario". Mr Carmona stressed that the company "supports projects in collaboration with entities with which it shares values such as solidarity, equality or respect, as is the case of UIC Barcelona". These projects are always linked to the development of deprived areas, improving education or the living conditions of marginalised groups. 

On behalf of UIC Barcelona, rector Alfonso Méndiz thanked Mr Carmona for the donation and highlighted “the commitment" that Lunet Facility Services has always shown to the University. "Gestures like the one we have received today”, continued the rector, “say a lot about the company Mr Carmona represents and help our students to forge ahead and demonstrate their talent".