
The Management by Missions Chair celebrates the third Seminar for Executive Refresher Training

The third edition of the Seminar for Executive Refresher Training ‘Management by Missions’ was held on 18 and 19 February at UIC Barcelona.

The seminar, organised by the Management by Missions and Corporate Government Chair, was developed following different teaching methods that are appropriate for executive training: conferences, case studies and workshops.

Carlos Rey, Head of the Chair, presented different business models based on Management by Missions. The UIC Barcelona strategy professor recalled the benefits businesses can reap from creating a culture promoting people’s commitment to a common project.

Additionally, Pablo Cardona, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Communication at the International University of La Rioja, gave a presentation on leadership: ‘a good leader is someone truly at the service of their employees, committed to the mission, to their position’. The speaker highlighted that Management by Missions (MBM) reinforces the sense of unity, motivation and satisfaction in organisations.

During the Seminar, attendees learnt about case studies of companies applying the Management by Missions model to their organisations: Corporación Jiménez Maña, a spare parts distribution company based in Sevilla, the Catalan company Funderia Condals, dedicated to iron casting, and Aitex, Textile Research Institute, located in Valencia.

In this case, the speakers shared that Management by Missions has allowed them to put people at the centre of their organisations, so that the entire company evolves together in the same direction and shares the same mission.

It has been proven that when employees feel emotionally connected to their organisation, they perform better and the company improves its results. Management by Missions promotes a culture based on corporate wellbeing through unity and creates a team of people that is more competitive and committed to their work.