
Maria Cerdà's Butterfly Landing project, selected as finalist for the YTA Award

El projecte “Papallonari”, de Maria Cerdà, alumni de la School of Architecture de UIC Barcelona, ​​ha estat seleccionat entre els trenta projectes que van competir pel Young Talent Architecture Award (YTAA) 2016. Un centenar d’escoles europees d’arquitectura van participar en aquesta primera edició del premi, amb més de dos-cents projectes. El jurat, compost per arquitectes i curadors, va seleccionar trenta propostes.

The Butterfly Landing project by Maria Cerdà, a former student at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, has been chosen as one of the 30 finalists vying for the 2016 Young Talent Architecture Award (YTAA). Around one-hundred European architecture schools and over 200 projects took part in the first edition of this award, from which a panel of architects and curators chose 30 proposals.

Butterfly Landing, submitted as a Final Degree Project during the 2015-2016 academic year at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, seeks to regenerate and reinforce the Llobregat Delta as a productive territory and hub for urban innovation. In this regard, butterflies are used as indicators of environmental quality. The aim of the project is to restore the Llobregat Agricultural Park's native flora and fauna, rehabilitate and recycle unused areas and develop areas to further support research activities.

The YTAA is organised by the Mies van der Rohe Foundation with the support of Creative Europe - European Commission and World-Architects.com as a founding partner. Award sponsors include Vectorworks, A Nemetschek Company (United States), Albrecht Jung GmbH (Germany) and USM Modular Furniture (Switzerland).