
Maria del Carme Clusellas: “The world in general requires the knowledge and critical outlook of humanities”

The director of the Girona Museum of Art was patron at the graduation of undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s students from the Faculty of Humanities

The director of the Girona Museum of Art, Maria del Carme Clusellas, was patron at the graduation of the Faculty of Humanities held on 28 June. The museologist gave the students a lecture at their graduation ceremony in which she highlighted the necessity for people with humanist profiles in today’s world. 

“Never forget what these studies have taught you and enrich the humanities. Apply the knowledge you have acquired and the values you still have fresh in your minds because science, economics, politics and the world in general requires, now more than ever, the knowledge and critical outlook of humanities”.

Clusellas knows the University inside out since she has taught classes here for almost eighteen years and in her lecture she highlighted the firm commitment which UIC Barcelona has to the humanities as a fundamental and cross-curricular element in its different degree programmes.

The museologist, specialist in the study and management of museums, took the opportunity to go over her career from her early beginnings to managing the museum and the obstacles facing the sector. “I would say that creativity and entrepreneurship, enthusiasm and a small dose of selflessness at work ensure that the cultural sector and museums laudably continue to survive against all the odds”.

Following Clusellas’ words, the graduation diplomas were awarded and the class representatives gave their speeches. Finally, the closing address was made by the dean of the Faculty, Judith Urbano, before bringing the ceremony to a close with the singing of the university hymn: Gaudeamus Igitur