
Maria Mut participates in an international conference on terrorism in the School of War in the Spanish Ministry of Defence

The Professor and Vice-Dean from the Faculty of Law at UIC Barcelona, Maria Mut, recently participated in the II International Conference on “Terrorism as a Challenge to Global Security”.  The meeting was organised by the Santander Chair and the University of Nebrija. 

In her talk, Maria Mut talked about international law and international terrorism.  The Professor made a reflection on the challenges that International Law has to face and how to adapt to them.  

Throughout the conference jihadism was analysed from various pints of view and key points were given in terms of the rights lines to follow for the international community in the fight against this type of terrorism and the recruitment processes it involves. 

Important members of the Army, such as the General Secretary-General for Defence Policy and a Magistrate from the National Court of Spain attended the conference, and the texts from the talks will be published at a later date.