
Maria Pujol participates in the IX Ibero-American Conference on University Teaching

One of our Professors from the Faculty of Education, Maria Pujol, recently presented a research project within the framework of the IX Iberoamerican Conference on University Teaching, held in Múrcia. The project was carried out along with Mariona Graell, another Professor from the Faculty.

The research project involved presenting and assessing three service-learning experiences, in other words, education in connection with social commitment, undertaken as part of the Bachelor's degree programmes in Pre-Primary and Primary Education at UIC Barcelona over two academic years. 59 students participated in the project.

The paper Dr Pujol presented, was entitled "Estudiantes de los grados en educación infantil y primaria apuestan por la lectura en sus experiencias de aprendizaje-servicio" [Students on Pre-Primary and Primary Education Teacher Training Programmes Rely on Reading for their Service-Learning Experiences]. This paper forms part of the research programme within the Learning, Development and Interaction Research Group (GRADI) at UIC Barcelona.