
Martina Di Bari: “At Microsoft, I help customers with their digital transformation”

We sat down to interview this alumnus who, after completing the University Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems at UIC Barcelona, now works for one of the sector’s most prominent multinationals. 

Martina Di Bari has achieved something many people dream about: to work at Microsoft. As an employee of the technology giant, this former student from the University Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems helps companies transform digitally and adopt new and intelligent applications. We spoke to her about her time at UIC Barcelona and how she applies her knowledge on a daily basis.

Why did you decide to take the University Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems at UIC Barcelona?
I think the role of the university, and particularly this master’s degree, is to ensure students are prepared to enter the job market and, most importantly, understand the position they want to hold in the future. This programme enhances your technical and economic knowledge and gives you a global view of corporate processes. I also particularly liked the master’s degree’s international side: the chance to go abroad and immerse yourself in a new culture. 

How was your experience at the university, in particular, and the city, in general?
Barcelona is a lovely city, and it makes it very difficult to come back. The warm welcome and weather make you feel at home right from day one. And the city’s culture is also reflected in the culture at UIC Barcelona, where the structure and team of lecturers are focused on our education and development. 

What was it about the master’s degree that surprised you the most? 
The profile of the lecturers. Business professionals, capable of bringing their past and present experiences to class and really conveying their passion for the profession.

And what did you like most?
The hands-on approach. In each subject, the students get to see the practical application of the knowledge presented on the slides. This helps lift the veil between theory and the real world, through case studies, exercises, projects and group work. 

Did taking this master’s help open doors in the job market?
Absolutely. It helped me put together, one step at a time, a CV that stands out from those of other students who did more traditional degrees. Especially having had the opportunity to study abroad, gain work experience in companies and work as part of a team. 

How do you feel this academic profile benefits companies?
In the form of creativity, a global vision, adaptability, a desire for new adventures, the ability to work as a team and public speaking skills. This master’s degree also taught me not to be afraid to ask questions and how to analyse each issue in detail before making a decision. I feel that, in today’s corporate world, people are valued more for their attitude than their knowledge.

You now work for one of the sector’s biggest multinationals: Microsoft…
Yes, I began the Microsoft Aspire Program in February 2018, a programme for recent graduates, in their role as a Technology Solutions Professional (TSP). More specifically, in the area of Business Applications. 

And what do you do exactly?
A TSP is a product specialist who is in direct contact with customers. Based on their needs, we evaluate and think how Microsoft’s products could benefit them the most. In the case of Business Applications, this translates into helping customers with their digital transformation, adopting new and intelligent applications to address complex corporate scenarios. 

Through Dynamics 365, an intelligent platform that combines typical CRM processes with ERP processes, we help our customers rethink and unify their processes to maximise business efficiency. We also help promote collaboration between employees and improve the experience of end customers.

How do you apply what you learned in the master’s to your work?
Through its highly practical and teamwork-based approach. The master’s degree helped me understand and internalise a series of basic yet fundamental concepts, which helped me slide into my role quickly. The subjects Marketing and Project Management were particularly important. 

Project Management gave me a basic understanding and methods to manage and carry out all aspects of a project. Based on the definition of “persons”, we pinpoint the needs of our customers, planning and organising the customer journey in efforts to retain our customers’ loyalty. The Marketing classes, on the other hand, helped introduce me to the dynamics of customer-centric companies. This helped me see the importance of customers, their behaviour, how they interact with companies. In fact, one of Microsoft’s values is Customer Obsession. In other words, the customer comes first. We help them achieve the same with their customers. 

Why would you recommend this master’s degree? 
I’d recommend this master’s degree to any student who wants a holistic understanding of how companies work, has an enterprising spirit and is eager to discover new things and provide added value. I would also recommend it to anyone looking to continually improve by facing new challenges. All those who want to acquire new knowledge and cultivate their personality and attitude. In short, anyone looking to stand out and attract companies!