
Master’s and postgraduate degrees that are being launched in January

A total of six master’s and postgraduate programme will begin in January at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona).  

In the Faculty of Communication Sciences:

Postgraduate degree in the digitalisation of retail and customer experience. The Faculty of Communication Sciences is now offering this innovative postgraduate programme.  It is predicted that the digital signage world market will grow annually by 10% until 2020, but right now in Spain only 10% of companies are attempting to achieve an omnichannel business model.  It has therefore become necessary for communication and marketing professionals, architects and interior designers to learn about the new digital formats that are within the reach of consumers today. This postgraduate degree takes a highly practical approach based on the study of real cases, hand in hand with professionals who use this new technology in their daily working life. For further information: http://www.uic.es/es/estudios-uic/ciencias-de-la-comunicacion/posgrado-digitalizacion-retail-customer-experience 

In the Faculty of Education:

Postgraduate Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The Faculty of Education is offering a new edition of this postgraduate degree aimed at professors at any stage in their career. The programme offers new theoretical perspectives on English teaching based on academic research on learning additional languages. Students will have access to innovative methodologies in this field as well as the main trends in methodologies related to multilingualism and L2 acquisition. The professors and lecturers consist of researchers from the university world, experts in the most recent methodologies and teaching innovation that has its origin in the school environment. Classes are taught in English and can be followed live online.  For further information click here: http://www.uic.es/es/estudios-uic/educacion/postgrado-en-ensenanza-del-ingles-como-lengua-extranjera 

Postgraduate Degree in Educational Technology and Innovation. The Faculty of Education is offering this postgraduate degree due to an increasing demand for teachers who are specialists in the digital field. This programme focuses on the advanced use of applications and IT tools, educational apps, the creation and design of websites and innovative methodologies such as flipped classrooms and M-Learning. The aim is to learn to optimise the latest applications and technologies in the classroom and increase the efficiency and quality of teaching. Classes are taught fully online, but the teachers, who are experts in this area, monitor students in individual tutorial sessions. For further information click here: http://www.uic.es/ca/estudis-uic/educacio/postgrau-en-innovacio-i-tecnologia-educativa

In the ESARQ School of Architecture:

University Master's Degree in Biodigital Architecture. This master’s degree, offered by the School of Architecture, provides the opportunity to take part in the first architecture programme that explores this subject from both a biological and digital perspective. Students can experiment with genetic-driven software, evolutionary processes, emerging systems and scripting. Classes cover the latest trends in this field while dealing with concepts such as biolearning and morphogenesis through practical work in the digital manufacturing laboratory and the genetics laboratory. The teaching staff consists of active international professionals.  For further information click here: http://www.uic.es/ca/estudis-uic/esarq/master-universitari-arquitectura-biodigital

On our healthcare campus:

University Master's Degree in Clinical Research. The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences offers this university master’s degree which allows students to access a doctorate in this area. The healthcare system today requires professionals who are capable of innovating, generating and implementing new knowledge. Through applied research methodologies students discover new perspectives to face the challenges that are predicted to occur in the healthcare system and the required competences to lead research and innovation projects in healthcare sciences. This master’s degree also holds an agreement with the University of Turku that allows students to undertake an international stay and to take a course entitled 'Empowering learning environments in nursing education: intensive programme'. For further information click here: http://www.uic.es/ca/estudis-uic/salut/master-universitari-recerca-clinica 

Postgraduate Degree in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. Currently BPD is considered to be the personality disorder that has the largest impact on the field of healthcare due to its clinical severity and its high prevalence. It is calculated that is affects between 1% and 2% of the general population and that it can affect between 10% and 20% of all psychiatric patients. The programme provides the knowledge and content necessary to develop the theoretical, technical and practical competences to ensure that patients with BPD are diagnosed and treated correctly. Basic knowledge of the various treatments based on scientific evidence will be acquired and students will be introduced to scientific research methodologies for BPD. For further information click here: http://www.uic.es/ca/estudis-uic/salut/postgrau-trastorn-limit-personalitat