
The Master's Degree in Biodigital Architecture gets underway with the lecture series "Genetic Architectures Seminar", with students from nine different nationalities

January marked the beginning of the Master's Degree in Biodigital Architecture, directed by Dr Alberto T. Estévez, vice-rector/general manager at the University.

The Master's Degree began with the "Genetic Architectures Seminar", which featured a series of different conferences: the first one, "Biodigital Architecture and Genetics", by Dr Alberto T. Estévez (9 January); "Sources of Genetic Architecture: Gaudí and Dalí", by Dr Judith Urbano (10 January); "Genome Structure", by Agustín Fontarnau (13 January); "Complejo Surface and Continuity", by Diego Navarro (16 January); and "Metabolic Architecture", by Dennis Dollens (30 January).

El Máster Universitario en Arquitectura Biodigital de la School of Architecture de UIC Barcelona, es un programa pionero que combina arquitectura, biología y nuevas tendencias digitales. Desde el año 2000, este programa aborda una perspectiva única de la arquitectura enfocada desde puntos de vista biológicos y digitales.

The Master’s Degree in Biodigital Architecture at UIC Barcelona is a pioneering programme that combines architecture, biology and new digital trends.

More information on this master's degree: http://www.uic.es/en/esarq/university-masters-degree-bio-digital-archite...