
Mercedes Roldán: “Success is being happy with what you do, doing it to the best of your ability and with solid values”

The chairperson of SOADCO, a leader in the R&D, manufacture and marketing of dental implants, served as patron of the graduation ceremony for students from the bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate degrees in the Faculty of Dentistry

During her speech, Mercedes Roldán congratulated the recent graduates and commented on the incredible company they have kept throughout their time at the University, with a team of lecturers who are also internationally renowned professionals in their fields.
Afterwards, Roldán explained the secret to her company’s success, first defining what she feels the word success means: “In today’s world, success is being happy with what you do, doing it to the best of your ability and with solid values”. In the case of the company she chairs, SOADCO, the key has been “to stay close to universities, knowledge and people”, she explained. Doing so has enabled them to respond to the needs of dental industry professionals, developing such innovative products as the Klockner Implant System.
This philosophy manifests itself in the form of the five active chairs SOADCO currently has, through which they perform research and develop new products in partnership with top-rate universities, such as UIC Barcelona.
Finally, the patron impressed on the new dentists the need to “whenever possible, take advantage of everything you have learned to enjoy life, have fun and stay enthusiastic. With these three ingredients, you are sure to lead a successful life”.
After receiving their diplomas, representatives from the bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate degrees gave their speeches. Lastly, Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, brought the ceremony to an end. The event concluded with the singing of the university hymn Gaudeamus Igitur