
Minister for Education, patron of the latest Primary Education graduate class

Meritxell Ruiz Isern, Minister for Education in the Catalan Generalitat, was patron of the latest Primary Education graduate class. The graduation ceremony took place last Thursday, in the Aula Magna room on our Barcelona campus.

The graduation began with a few words from Mónica Fernández, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education., who encouraged the new teachers to truly be educators who will help to build the future. In order to do this, she talked about the importance of doing things well: “In order to teach people to do things well -she said- first you need to know how to do things well yourselves”.

During the lecture, the Minister Ruiz Isern talked about the importance of the teacher’s role, since they “must be capable of awakening a desire to learn and learn even more in students”.  “A teacher who loves and values knowledge - she assured them - transmits this feeling to their students”. The patron of the new graduates also stated that “education is what makes us more human”.

In the end, after speeches from the class representatives, the Dean of the Faculty, Esther Jiménez, said a few words to the new teachers, and encouraged them to be generous-spirited.  “Teachers are people who demonstrate, who inspire, who open up your horizons, who guide, who love”.

The event concluded with the recent graduates receiving their diplomas and refreshments were also provided.