
The Ministry funds a UIC Barcelona project on the effect of the CPT1C protein on obesity

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has provided funding for the project 'Paper de la proteïna CPT1C com a sensor hipotalàmic dels acils-CoA reguladors del metabolisme perifèric dels lipids' (The Role of the Protein CPT1C as a Hypothalamic Sensor of the Acyl-CoAs which Control Peripheral Lipid Metabolism), directed by UIC Barcelona's Dr Núria Casals in cooperation with a research group from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Universitat de Barcelona. The project will be developed over the next 3 years, and the Ministry has awarded UIC Barcelona with the sum of €121,000.

Dr Casals' team will study the role of the protein CPT1C in the hypothalamus (the region of the brain which regulates the body's metabolism) and intends to show that this protein is capable of triggering thermogenesis in response to the intake of dietary fat. Thermogenesis is the process whereby our adipose tissue burns body fat to generate heat and raise our body temperature. Triggering this process could, in the future, become a strategy for combating obesity. The study will be conducted on mice.


The group has also received funding from the TV3 Telethon. Click on this link to read more.