
Mónica Fernández and Eva Perdiguer are awarded a Teaching Innovation Grant for their project on gamification

The two lecturers from UIC Barcelona's Faculty of Education are the coordinators of a project that was selected for a grant of €10,000 from 14 projects submitted by the teaching staff at UIC Barcelona. The winning project is entitled "Gamification and the Development of Computational Thought: Mobile Applications and Educational Robotics for the Acquisition of Digital Competence and Educational Digital Competence".

The project, headed by Mónica Fernández and Eva Perdiguer, vice-dean and lecturer, respectively, at UIC Barcelona's Faculty of Education, was awarded the first Teaching Innovation Grant from the University's Puig Foundation. This grant takes into consideration innovative projects that are developed by UIC Barcelona's teaching staff and strive to achieve teaching excellence by improving the students' learning process and heightening the quality of university teaching. 

The coordinators from the winning project explained that, "educators must be able to use technology to improve and transform in-class practices and enrich their own development and identity". In this regard, explains Fernández, "gamification –a portmanteau that combines the words 'game' and 'education'– will be used to teach subjects that integrate this strategy and, in a cross-disciplinary manner across all subjects, enhance the students' digital competence.

"At the same time", continues the vice-dean, "all lecturers involved may implement and develop this competence without getting bogged down by the processes, but rather focusing on what can actually be achieved". The project also included the participation of lecturers Salvador Vidal, Maite Fuertes and Silvia Albareda, members of the Faculty of Education's SIRSU research group.

The award ceremony took place in the Faculty of Education's auditorium and was hosted by the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff, Jaume Armengou. Event attendees included the President of the Puig Foundation, Xavier Puig, who emphasised that, "promotion of the teaching staff's teaching and research activities is essential in strengthening the University and working towards excellence".