
Monseigneur Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate for the Opus Dei, visits the facilities on our Campus Sant Cugat

As part of the pastoral visit he is undertaking around the Iberian Peninsula, Mons.  Fernando Ocáriz, who is the current Opus Dei Prelate, came to Barcelona, where he had the opportunity to meet thousands of people.  One of his visits was to our Healthcare campus, in Sant Cugat.

Monseigneur Ocáriz came to UIC Barcelona to bless the extension of the University Dental Clinic, which now has new facilities including XX booths.

Taking advantage of his visit to the university, he also visited the Comprehensive Advanced Simulation Centre, which was officially opened around a year ago, while accompanied by the Vice-Dean for Nursing Cristina Monforte and some of the other professors, as well as some students who described their experiences of acquiring work experience in those rooms in a friendly manner.

The Prelate for the Opus Dei greeted professors and university staff and held a brief meeting in the new auditorium on the campus. While he was there teaching and administration staff spontaneously told him a few anecdotes and some other things about university life:  Montserrat Gas talked about the Institute for Advanced Family Studies she is the director of, and Alberto Canals, director of strategic projects, talked about the clinical future of palliative care, etc.

During this time, Mons. Ocáriz encouraged attendees and the whole university to continue to maintain same happiness and optimism and remain united: “Make sure you remain united.  It is so important to avoid tension”, and quoting Saint Josemaria, he added that “it is better to find an acceptable solution, than to be uncharitable”.